Domain Law Show #171

This week’s Domain Law Show is on the Clubhouse app and hosted by David Michaels @davidmichaels. Todd Todd Ryan @abcproductions, and Jeff Neuman @jintlaw are attending NamesCon in Austin, Texas.

The Domain Name Law Show is hosted live every Tuesday at 3pm PST/6pm EST on either X Spaces or the Clubhouse app.

You should join us today at 06:00 p.m. EDT for “Domain Name Law: UDRP Reviews – Show #171”

Domain Name Industry News:

  1. Zombie trademarks discourage buyers and hurt sales – what can be done about them?
  2. NamesCon 2024
  3. ICA notable case

UDRP Reviews: Famous brands

<> Complaint by Law School Admission Council, Inc. UDRP Decision UDRP Analysis

<>, <> and <> (“Domain Names”) Complaint by Law School Admission Council, Inc. UDRP Decision UDRP Analysis

<> Complaint by Snap Inc.

<> Complaint by Adobe Inc.