Domain Name Law Show No. 127

Tune into the Domain Name Law at 6 pm Eastern, on Tuesdays.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 on Clubhouse @ 3pm PST/6pm EST (SHOW LINK)

 Show Outline 

A. Show Intro by Todd

     1. Greet Audience and Introduce Co-Hosts

     2. Make General Announcements

     3. Share Show Agenda

B. Domain Name Legal News

     1. Internet Commerce Develops Voluntary ICA Broker Code of Conduct 

     2. Judge issues orders in eth .link dispute (

     3. Meta, Microsoft, hundreds more own trademarks to new Twitter name (Reuters)

     4. GoDaddy News

        a. Auctions Controversy: Shill Bidding, 2nd Chance Offers

        b. Might GoDaddy Offer for Sale? (

        c. New LTO Option Concerns (John Berryhill’s Twitter)

     5. Can Emojis Create A Legally Binding Contract?

     6. Applies for Matching TM (

C. UDRP Reviews (Gathered thru and





D. Audience Comments and Questions

E. Close the Show