Reporting Scam Websites

Here are some resources and organizations you can contact to report fraudulent or scam websites:

Here are some tips for reporting a scam website in an effective format:

  • Include the full URL of the suspicious site. This is the key identifier.
  • Lookup and provide the domain registration details (WHOIS information) if possible. This helps identify the owner.
  • Take screenshots of the site, especially any pages requesting personal/financial information. This documents the scam.
  • Record the date/time when you accessed the site and took screenshots. This helps establish timeframe.
  • Explain concisely why you believe the site is fraudulent, linking to any UDRP decisions or news if relevant.
  • Provide any details on how you came across the site and what led you to determine it was scam.
  • List specific red flags – stolen content, fake contact info, grammatical errors, etc.
  • If known, note what information the site collects and what the scam is trying to achieve.
  • Include your full name, email, and phone number so you can be contacted about your report if needed.
  • Attach any screenshots and supporting documents.
  • Use a clear subject line like “Fraudulent Website – [Domain]”.
  • Be factual and provide evidence – avoid speculation.

Following a concise, evidence-based template will ensure your report contains all relevant details and will expedite any abuse investigation and actions to deactivate the scam site. Let me know if you need any assistance putting together a report on a specific site.