Domain Name Law Show #130

In Domain Name Law Show #130, we discussed the following matters:

 Domain Name Legal Issues & Industry News

     1. Todd’s Letter To ICANN Objecting to the Transfer of Epik’s Registrar Accreditation 

        a. ICANN’s Response to Todd’s Letter

     2. .hiphop Celebrates 50-Year Anniversary of Hip-Hop

     3. London Domain Name Summit Set to Go (

     4. Verisign .com Price Increase Sept 1, 2023

     5. Community Bankers Association of Ohio moved from .com to a .bank domain

     6. Payout Change for Active LTO Deals is Unacceptable (

 UDRP Reviews


The panelist stated:

“The first response the Respondent, in fact, made to the e mail from the Complainant’s representative asking if the respondent was interested in selling the name was “I might be interested” and that e mail makes no mention of any plans for the name.”

I also see it as highly significant that the Respondent thought that the domain name that it had never used was worth considerably more than $1,000. This can only be as a result of the added value attached to the domain name as a result of the reputation and goodwill of the Complainant in the ICE T mark. This also exhibits an intent to profit over and above the registration and other costs invested in the Domain Name by the Respondent.

If the Respondent had truly needed the Domain Name for its business it would not have attempted to negotiate a higher price with the Complainant for sale of the name. In any event I regard the Registrant’s story about how it came to register the name with some scepticism.

Tracy Marrow p/k/a “ICE-T” v. a/k/a Sverrir Geirmundsson, WIPO Case No. D2000-1234

Note: 4-letter .com domain names were worth way more than $1000 even in 2000.




       a. Todd’s Federal Complaint to Recover


The Complainant in the case doesn’t appear to exist. And it had no trademark rights in “y4c,” so this decision was wrong.